North & West Bristol Locality Partner
    Man gardening in allotment

    Welcome to the North & West Bristol Locality Partnership

    Map showing location of North and West Bristol within BNSSG. As at May 2022: population of approximately 208 thousand people in North and West Bristol.

    The North & West Bristol Locality Partnership wants to create and support healthy, happy communities. We know that being well is so much more than not being ill. It is about feeling welcome and connected with friends, family and neighbours. It is also about practical things, such as having access to nutritious food and green space, reducing money worries and living in good quality housing. We want to create a North & West Bristol where voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) sector organisations, GPs, hospitals, community health and social care services work together more deeply to best serve the population. This is an exciting new way of working and it will make a difference over time.

    We want to enable people living and working in North & West Bristol to be well by ensuring they can access the right support at the right time. Our vision is that communities wrap around people to enable them to continue living independently at home. When people do become ill, we want services to better meet their needs and be more joined up, so individuals only have to tell their story once. We are lucky enough to have organisations and people with lived experience helping to co-design our services.

    The North & West Bristol Locality Partnership is about connecting the dots, rather than replacing existing services. We would like a person’s experience of community, health and care systems to make sense to them, rather than being dictated by organisational boundaries and structures. We are at the start of our journey. We won’t get it right all the time and we will learn along the way. We hope by working together, celebrating the diversity of our population and listening to communities, we will increase equity and improve the lives of people who live and work in our locality.

    If you would like this information in an alternative format or language, please contact us.